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Update to 1.2.8

Posted: Sat 5. Aug 2006, 08:58
by TheSearch
If I update my phpwcms installation from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 must I reinstall the calender mod?

Wenn ich mein phpwcms von 1.2.5 nach 1.2.8 update muss ich den calender-mod neu einbinden?


How can I get the Calendar Mod to work for 1.2.8??

Posted: Wed 30. Aug 2006, 20:53
by tacka

I am running a brand new installation of 1.2.8 - I have become a little confused as to how I can get the Calendar mod installed and working on 1.2.8...

What do I need to install? The multiple versions of Ionrock?

Please help if you can, I'd really like to get this on my site!

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Wed 30. Aug 2006, 22:23
by pico
yes you must - like every Hack ;)

take the latest one - but the Install-Docu is not up-to-Date so you must have a little PHP knowledge to find the right Lines for changing

Posted: Tue 12. Sep 2006, 09:41
by Monz@
Important information for all people who can see the module-link but when they click on, just nothing happens:

when you change / add the lines in the phpwcms.php it's necessary to put the "default"-lines of coding at the end of the cases lines. If you don't you'll only see the default-message! here an example of an correct code:

Code: Select all

      	case "modules":	//Modules
      	switch ($p) {
      		case 2:	 // Graphical Text MOD
      		if($phpwcms["gt_mod"]) { //enabled/disable GT MOD

		case 3: // Calendar Mod 
		if ($phpwcms["calendar_mod"]) { //enabled/disable calendar mod 

		case 5: //Gallery Mod
		if ($phpwcms["gallery_mod"]) {
		default: echo 'Thanks to J&eacute;r&ocirc;me for his <a href="phpwcms.php?do=modules&p=2">Graphical Text MOD</a>.';
 		echo '<br>&nbsp;<br>Other modules might follow. GT MOD will be moved to admin section.';
greetz Monz@

Posted: Sun 17. Sep 2006, 20:00
by general_

Posted: Sun 17. Sep 2006, 22:09
by general_
Is it possible to let the user in the frontend choose which categorie he wants to see? (perhaps as a dropdown, such as the months) I only discovered the possibility to show the events of all categories.


Posted: Mon 18. Sep 2006, 02:12
by volkman

Code: Select all

/*		$menu .= $categories;  
around line 260 in calendar.classes.php


Re: It dosn't work...

Posted: Tue 19. Sep 2006, 13:14
by #Wumpscut#
TGO wrote:Hello! Maybe it's not to boring all the time this damn rookie questions, but I can't find the mistake...

I use phpwcms v1.2.3-DEV and the calendar_mod_v2.01_ionrock. I install all files and added everything, but when I will install the calendar, I only get this:
Error creating the events table: Query was empty
I can't find the mistake. I do all steps exactly like in the manual from calendar_mod_v2.01_ionrock.

Maybe someone knows, where is the mistake!

Thank you!
ist bei mia auch der fall..

meine phpwcms.php :
case "modules": //modules
$wcsnav["modules"] = "".$wcsnav["modules"]."";
if($phpwcms["gt_mod"]) { //enabled/disable GT MOD
$subnav .= subnavtext($BL['be_subnav_graphicaltext_mod'], "phpwcms.php?do=modules&p=2", $p, "2", 0);

// you take this line and add it to your /include/inc_conf/ file
$phpwcms["calendar_mod"] = 1; // enable calendar mod = 1, disable = 0

if ($phpwcms["calendar_mod"]) { // enabled/disable Calendar Module
$subnav .= subnavtext("Calendar Module", "phpwcms.php?do=modules&p=3", $p, "3", 0);
und weiter unten...
case "modules": //Modules
switch ($p) {
case 2: // Graphical Text MOD
if($phpwcms["gt_mod"]) { //enabled/disable GT MOD
default: echo 'Thanks to J&eacute;r&ocirc;me for his <a href="phpwcms.php?do=modules&p=2">Graphical Text MOD</a>.';
echo '<br>&nbsp;<br>Other modules might follow. GT MOD will be moved to admin section.';

case 3: // Calendar Mod
if ($phpwcms["calendar_mod"]) { //enabled/disable calendar mod

und die main.config.php
// main config for calendar mod

// table names
$prefix = "db_wcms";
$tables['cal_events'] = $prefix . "phpwcms_cm_events";
$tables['cal_categories'] = $prefix . "phpwcms_cm_categories";

$GLOBALS['tables'] = $tables;

wo steckt der fehler? :(

Posted: Mon 9. Oct 2006, 13:13
by sp1r
Its been quiet for some time now. But i have 2 questions.

1. How do you change the look of the agenda, i can't figger it out. The css is not attached to any template it seems.

For example, how can i use my own buttons to replace with the < > buttons.

2. Is it possible to only show events from one category? (with the replacement tag?) so you can use more agenda's for your site?

Posted: Mon 9. Oct 2006, 13:15
by sp1r
sorry double post..

suche in calendar mod

Posted: Wed 11. Oct 2006, 17:31
by dastel
hallo leute, ist es irgendwie möglich, dass auch die calendar mod einträge bei der suche ausgegeben werden???


Posted: Wed 28. Mar 2007, 23:10
by tobsolution
Hello, is there a possibility to set yearly events like birthdays?

And I´ve a problem with the monthly events. I got an error iv ei want to create it.


Hallo, wie kann ich jährliche Events wie Geburtstage etc. einbinden?

Vielen Dank,

Updated Calendar Installation doc for 1.3.3

Posted: Mon 22. Oct 2007, 22:32
by spazcer

I dont know if this exists anywhere else so i added the changes i needed to make granted the tutorial is still mostly Volker's work

thanks again volker

Posted: Mon 22. Oct 2007, 23:12
by Mr.Flash
hey volker,
great tutorial!
i didn't install it yet, but just read over it.
looks very good!

Posted: Tue 23. Oct 2007, 19:56
by rettungjim