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phpwcms 1.2.9 - 27/02/2007

Posted: Sat 24. Feb 2007, 09:34
by Oliver Georgi
OK friends,

[UPDATE 27-02-07] Just a qucik fix to handel a problem with template listing in the backend. Available on SourceForge...

[UPDATE 26-02-07] Some smaller fixes are included. A patch is available on Sourceforge too. Sorry - I have fever today and don't feel very well.

Thanks for your patience, your support, your hope, your credits, your loyalty, your belief.

I want to let you know - the next step is done. I have released phpwcms 1.2.9 - still not final (it's always work in progress) but stable and the most enhanced than ever. Normally it should be numbered as 1.3.5 – but you know – I’m not the number wonder…

Download phpwcms 1.2.9

It will be just an interims release because there are some more features which are still under development. But there will be no long delay until this will be available (I hope). I recommend using this new release!

As always: make a backup before you upgrade or update or install anything!

For anybody of you being just interested to test the new release I have built 2 different virtual machines including “Damn Small Linux, XAMPP, phpwcms 1.2.9” – one for Virtual PC 2007 (Windows XP/2003/Vista) and another one for Parallels Desktop/Workstation (Mac OS X 10.4.6+, Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, Linux). These have everything installed to start testing phpwcms instantly. Please: this is unsupported. It’s recommend that you have a DHCP compatible network. Here you can find a short “How to start virtual test environment”.

Download virtual machine for Virtual PC 2007 166MB
Download virtual machine for Parallels 165MB

There will be no upgrade package available for older releases including changed files only – but database upgrades are included. It’s not useful because there are too many file changes.

  1. [FIX] makeEmailSpamSave.php enhanced to avoid replacing email adresses in <input> and <textarea> fields.
  2. [FIX] A not neccessary type check for templates removed. After saving template was not visible anymore.
  1. [FIX] Missing check against "hide title" and "hide summary text" for article detail view im plemented. If "hide" is enabled everything between [SUMMARY][/SUMMARY] or [TITLE][/TITLE] is replaced by empty string.
  2. [FIX] "include/inc_front/content/" line 150 "$mail->Subject = $content['newsletter']['subject'];"
  3. [FIX] Creating a new newsletter recipient in backend was impossible because of an crippled INSERT SQL query. The verification hash was missing.
  4. [FIX] A langage var was missing for CSV import title (EN only).
  5. [FIX] On backend "home" listing of content parts could be false in case an article was deleted.
  1. [FIX] Content part search is able to handle search starting at specific levels. Needs a bit more testing.
  2. [FIX] Small fix for phpwcms internal GET array in case PHP's GET handling is not able to detect GET values without "=".
  3. [UPDATE] Spaw 1.2.1.
  4. [CHANGE] GT MOD returns CSS background images wrapped in a <div>. The replaced text is wrapped in a hidden <span>.
  5. [FIX] When just index.php was opened without an additional GET value a totally false page could be opened.
  6. [ADD] Content part search enhanced by file name search.
  7. [ADD] New parameter for content part search - minimum number of chars per search input.
  8. [ADD] Content part list enhanced by selection for <ul>, <ol> and <dl>. <dl> is a bit tricky and not the best solution - use pipe "|" in the same "~" level to split <dt> and <dd>.
  9. [FIX] Content part serach - try correct UTF-8 charset conversion for result's listing.
  10. [ADD] Content part search searches for ul/ol/dl list content part too.
  11. [ADD] Alternative pagetitle for article and structure level. If set these will be taken and rendered in frontend.
  12. [ADD] New "paginate articles" setting for structures.
  13. [FIX] Content part selector fixed in case no content part is selected - [optgroup] text was displayed.
  14. [ADD] New "paginate content part" setting for articles.
  15. [ADD] "Update" button for editing article summary.
  16. [CHANGE] "fckeditor_config.js.php" moved from "/config/phpwcms/" to "/include/inc_ext/FCKeditor2/". Seems to be problematic with some server configurations where "/config" is used as server alias.
  17. [CHANGE] Content part space before and after - style "clear:both" removed. Could cause strange rendering effects.
  18. [ADD] 2 new template settings for article pagination. See "$template_default['article_paginate_navi']" and "$template_default['article_paginate_show']" in "" for more
  19. [CHANGE] When ever possible a string will be enclosed by single quotes.
  20. [ADD] {NAV_LIST_UL} enhanced by "id" for <li> in case "ul_id_name" is set. It will generate "id=li_ul_id_name_levelID". With this you can set individual styles for any level or trigger JavaScript actions.
  21. [FIX] Fixes a problem for some PHP GD versions in combination with Flash files - false file extension could be the result of it - swf -> swf. Additional file extension check implemented avoiding this.
  22. [FIX] Guestbook backend template fixed - wrong table information.
  23. [FIX] If AliasID is used in content part guestbook it's possible to edit entries of alias guestbook too.
  24. [CHANGE] GT MOD renderer processed after frontend_render.
  25. [ADD] New array value "$content['globalRT']" where you can register global custom replacement tags like "$content['globalRT']['{MY_RT}']='<code>';". Good in combination with frontend_init.
  26. [CHANGE] Article listing with new default template.
  27. [ADD] Calendar development started - at the moment it's kind like a custom script for frontend_render in combination with "calendar.ini".
  28. [FIX] Possible validation problem for Google sitemap in "sitemap.php" fixed.
  29. [UPDATE] Bad Behavior 2.0.6
  30. [UPDATE] Deluxe Menu replacement tag: {DELUXE_MENU:ID} ID is the start point for a specific structure level ID. To use it check "phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/disabled/".
  31. [ADD] HTTP headers based on page rendering: Expires, Last-Modified, Pragma and Cache-Control. Cache-Control and Pragma set to "public".
  32. [ADD] New backend vars which can be used to inject code by special custom code: $BE['HEADER'], $BE['BODY_OPEN'], $BE['BODY_CLOSE']. All are arrays and are imploded by LF.
  33. [FIX] Language merge (EN is the basis) for "login.php" implemented.
  34. [ADD] Turkish language - thanks to "aerkanc - gmail com"
  35. [CHANGE] Keywords editing changed completely. Will be extended much more.
  36. [ADD] 2nd PNG workaround for IE <= 6 implemented. To use this set "$phpwcms['IE_htc_png'] = 2".
  37. [FIX] Fixed a problem for content part select menu - [text] was still shown there because of a missing var check.
  38. [ADD] New config setting "$phpwcms['Bad_Behavior']" for Bad Behavior On/Off. Enable Bad Behavior spam blocking by setting it to 1=On, or 0=Off;
  39. [FIX] Replacement tag {BROWSE:PREV:Linktext:0} did not work - failed by always delivering the category-UP link. It's fixed now.
  40. [ADD] Images for article details and article listing selectable now.
  41. [ADD] New place holder tag for pagination and max search results and max articles - use "#####";
  42. [ADD] Setting for max summary words being listed in article listing. When the field is empty full article summary is rendered.
  43. [CHANGE] Limitation of 65000 chars for article summary removed.
  44. [FIX] Fixes function "html_specialchars()" to handle "…" and/or "&ndash;". The old one could produce "&ndash;".
  45. [ADD] Aarabic language added - but very limited support. So check it out - not recommend at the moment. Seems to work well with UTF-8 only.
  46. [FIX] Article content preview button linked against false target because wrong categrory ID was given.
  47. [FIX] False "\" backslash in "" causes an error for "cut&paste"-ing content part into article.
  48. [FIX] RSS feed fixed to handle HTML entities in a more optimal way.
  49. [CHANGE] Content part space before and after possible up to 9999px.
  50. [ADD] Function "list_articles_summary()" enhanced for alternative article array setting.
  51. [FIX] Fixed feeds.php - when charsets are different the converted string was not sent back. Oh Oliver, you are soooooo stupid ;-)
  52. [FIX] Highlight seems to work now very well also for parts of a string.
  53. [FIX] Creating new article and username contains an "'" causes a SQL error.
  54. [FIX] Possible problem in -> function buildGlobalGET() and in case $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] is empty.
  55. [FIX] Possible problem in around line 483 in case $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] is empty.
  56. [ADD] GT Mod enhanced for forced line breaks - use double spaces for a <br />.
  57. [UPDATE] Spaw 1.2.2
  58. [ADD] New content part FAQ.
  59. [ADD] Guestbook enhanced: image, sorting
  60. [FIX] Some misconfigured PHP installs might loose session information if header redirecting is used and session information is not given as GET value. Needs some more checks, but it seems to fail if "session.use_cookies=Off" is set in php.ini - recommend value is "session.use_cookies=On".
  61. [FIX] GT Mod optimized for line breaks too - no more double spaces neccessary. Use [br] or <br> or simple linefeeds.
  62. [FIX] Function headerRedirect() fixed for a problem that could cause in loosing the session.
  63. [FIX] Guestbook default template is CSS based now. A new setting enables or disables captcha check and length of the captcha code. The captcha check was buggy as long as somebody has tried to send POST vars directly and without a var for captcha code. Detailed error messages are available now and can be custom overwritten.
  64. [ADD] 2 new fields for content parts: spacer and template -> name of the template will be stored in seperate db field (will be changed step by step).
  65. [CHANGE] User pass is no longer stored in session var while login.
  66. [CHANGE] Support for passwords encoded by MySQL PASSWORD() is removed while login.
  67. [ADD] User profile enhanced by an additional menu where a user can set the preferred WYSIWYG editor toolbar. The new value "$phpwcms['wysiwyg_template']" in holds those toolbar information.
  68. [UPDATE] FCKeditor 2.3.2
  69. [CHANGE] Forum deprecated - also under "messages/forum list"
  70. [FIX] Content part email form does not show field select menu for custom template source if email format was set to HTML.
  71. [ADD] Additional new text/html field for content part email form - content will be displayed above the form only when form wasn't sent. Normally a text to tell a user what the form is for - an information most times not useful after sending it.
  72. [FIX] File Downloads in frontend had a huge problem - why ever the partial download functionality seems to be not usable in all server configurations. So it's removed.
  73. [CHANGE] Content part "file list" changed for template based frontend rendering. It supports direct downloads. Each file can have additional settings like file title, description, target.
  74. [FIX] Fix for outdated base64_decode() of pagelayout vars in admin.templates.tmpl.php (line 234).
  75. [ADD] Content part "email form" enhanced for custom subject based on a form field (supported: text, list, select, hidden) and additional "CC" addresses.
  76. [CHANGE] No content part switching for email form possible anymore - it's more safe!
  77. [ADD] New setting for content part email form which allows enabling storing frontend form values in database. In case there are db entries for the form a download button is visible (download format: Excel file/HTML table).
  78. [FIX] GT Mod fix - function's paramteter changed for backend too.
  79. [FIX] File delete.
  80. [FIX] Searching for an alias in db changed from "LIKE" to "=" - should be a bit faster.
  81. [CHANGE] Category alias lenght increased from 50 to 150 chars. Slash "/" is an allowed char now. Alias is now case sensitive.
  82. [FIX] Check if $block['css'] is set.
  83. [FIX] XSS fix for "image_zom.php". Thanks to Stefan Lochbihler.
  84. [FIX] Fix for "": if register_globals is set ON constant "PHPWCMS_URL" could be changed by simple GET value. Thanks to Stefan Lochbihler.
  85. [FIX] Missing global var $aktion for function "showSelectedContent()".
  86. [FIX] Content part "email form" fixed for checkbox/radiobutton when there "class" is set. Now the complete checkbox/radiobutton section is wrapped in <div> tags.
  87. [FIX] {NAV_LIST_UL} and "active" class corrected. Now only the active category is marked and not the whole active path.
  88. [FIX] PixelTracking for phpMyVisites enhanced for SiteID and varname corrected. Also enhanced page name detection and additional value for form sent by method "post".
  89. [UPDATE] Bad Behavior 2.0.7
  90. [ADD] function "_dbQuery()" enhanced for queryMode "COUNT" - return value is the count of affected rows.
  91. [CHANGE] Automatic user name is now build based on user count.
  92. [ADD] Save (and close) button when creating a new article.
  93. [ADD] Notify setting for new guestbook entry.
  94. [CHANGE] Adjusting zoom image window removed.
  95. [CHANGE] Default template file extension ".txt" removed form function "get_tmpl_files()". Solves a problem with email texts.
  96. [CHANGE] Guestbook banned words are processed right after sending in the guestbook form - better filtering. Banned words are not stored any longer. Ban replacement does not accept html tags anymore.
  97. [UPDATE] Spaw 1.2.3
  98. [FIX] Solved the "POST again" problem for guestbook after new entry was created successfully.
  99. [FIX] Better, faster function to validate an email address - TLD check implemented too.
  100. [CHANGE] Newsletter subscriber email address db field changed from VARCHAR to TEXT.
  101. [CHANGE] Backend main navigation "messages" is now linking to subscribver listing by default.
  102. [CHANGE] Changed back CDATA comments to "old-styled" <!-- //-->
  103. [DELETE] Old navi point "messages -> import subscribers" removed.
  104. [ADD] Much improved functionality in section newsletter subscribers: everything around subscribers is bundled in the same screen. Each subscriber can be edited, manual creation possible, remove duplicates, better CSV import which allows the selection of special subscriptions for the whole import and (filtered) export. Search/filter and paginating implemented.
  105. [FIX] Newsletter verify.php optimized.
  106. [FIX] Setup "step1" problem solved for versions of MySQL that does not support collation.
  107. [ADD] New config setting $phpwcms['version_check'] - if not set or "=0" n version check will be done. Speeds up backend login process.
  108. [ADD] Frontend render script that allows CSS switch.
  109. [FIX] Fix for replacement tag [RSS][/RSS]
  110. [ADD] New replacement tags [abbr title], [dfn title],

    Code: Select all

    , [cite], [em], [blockquote], [blockquote url], [acronym title]
    [*][CHANGE] Print link is now canged to singe GET value "print" - so if you want to link to print view add "&print=1" to href.
    [*][ADD] New field "address_iddetail" in table "phpwcms_address" which will store the relation to an enry in "phpwcms_userdetail".
    [*][CHANGE] Field "detail_newsletter" in "phpwcms_userdetail" changed. It is used to store the ID of a related entry in "phpwcms_address".
    [*][ADD] "phpwcms_userdetail" enhanced by "detail_website" and "detail_userimage".
    [*][ADD] "phpwcms_userdetail" enhanced by 5 fields of type varchar "detail_varchar1" ... "detail_varchar5" and 3 fields of type TEXT "detail_text1" ... "detail_text3".
    [*][ADD] "phpwcms_template" enhanced by field "template_type" - in case of an update all existing template entries will get type "0" which means general template. Based on type it will be possible to edit different kind of templates like content parts.
    [*][ADD] Article content parts prepared for live and killdate and special db-based templates.
    [*][CHANGE] If special type of content part is unset in "include/inc_lib/" it will not be available in backend and frontend.
    [*][ADD] Layout of content part email form was optimized - each form field can be switched "show/hide". And fields are wider.
    [*][FIX] CVS import of newsletter subscripers could fail if MIME-type was text/x-csv -> is accepted from now on.
    [*][UPDATE] Bad Behavior 2.0.9
    [*][ADD] Function headerRedirect() supports Reditect Type now -> default is temporary "headerRedirect('url')" - permanent redirect "headerRedirect('url', 301)"
    [*][UPDATE] Spaw 1.2.4
    [*][ADD] Space before and after content part got own class for <div> and <br> too: "spaceBeforeCP", "spaceAfterCP".
    [*][FIX] A "rawurldecode" was missing in content part search. Search strings like "string%20string" would fail because "%" and other special chars would be urlencoded again and again.
    [*][ADD] Spaw 2.0.1 added.
    [*][UPDATE] Bad Behavior 2.0.10
    [*][FIX] Bad Behavior fixed for IE7 support.
    [*][CHANGE] Print layout can handle template sections now which should be not printable. Use <!-NO_PRINT_START//-->...<!-NO_PRINT_END//--> to define such sections. While rendering in print mode tags and tag enclosed content will be removed.
    [*][FIX] False SQL command used in which could result in missing collation - often neccessary for UTF-8
    [*][CHANGE] When "error" page is shown a 404 header is sent. I think it's better because such content is not interesting for search engines and should be declared as "not found".
    [*][FIX] When using phpwcms on MySQL >= 4.1 setting correct DB charset and collation shoud work better now. For MySQL < 4.1 "SET NAMES" has no effect.
    [*][FIX] Setup for releases of MySQL <4.1 will check against installed charsets.
    [*][FIX] {URL:...} will now try to make correct charset conversion based on remote META "Content-Type/Charset" setting.
    [*][FIX] Some more charset conversion related fixes (feeds, URL...)
    [*][CHANGE] Default templates for rendering article listing and article detail are not hard coded anymore. Now these are template snippets stored in "template/inc_default": article_summary.tmpl, article_summary_list.tmpl.
    [*][FIX] Function "replaceGlobalRT()" replacement for template path was wrong.
    [*][CHANGE] File "include/inc_act/act_newsletter.php" is obolete. Functionality handled by "verify.php".
    [*][ADD] New function "_dbDuplicateRow()" which allows simple duplication of db records.
    [*][ADD] Duplicate newsletter button.
    [*][UPDATE] Spaw 2.0.2.
    [*][FIX] Content part "maps" fixed. Oh developers are stupid ;-)
    [*][UPDATE] FCKeditor 2.4
    [*][ADD] {NAV_LIST_UL} enhanced for additional sub level check but for "closed" structures only. If a sub level exists class "sub_no" is switched "to sub_no_ul".
    [*][ADD] New frontend_render script "linkme.php" which allows easy "send bookmark to..." icons for: Mr. Wong, DiggIt,, Technorati, purl, Furl and Yahoo. Use replacement Teag: [LINK_IT]<p>{WONG} {DIGG} {DELICIOUS} {TECHNORATI} {SPURL} {FURL} {YAHOO}</p>[/LINK_IT].[/list]

Posted: Mon 26. Feb 2007, 21:00
by Oliver Georgi
new files uploaded.


Posted: Tue 27. Feb 2007, 15:36
by Oliver Georgi
another small fix for 1.2.9
