phpwcms Suchmaschinenwettbewerb/at searchengine contest

Post non-phpwcms related topics here - but I don't want to see "hey check this or that other cms". Post if you have a point or worthwhile comment, don't post just to increase you post count!
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phpwcms Suchmaschinenwettbewerb/at searchengine contest

Post by Mario670 »

Viele sagen ja phpwcms sei nicht Suchmaschinenfreundlich und scheuen sich deshalb ein PHPWCMS zu benutzen. Ich will nun beweisen das phpwcms sogar sehr Suchmaschinenfreundlich ist, sogar das beste CMS System in Bezug auf Suchmaschinen ist!

Es läuft derzeit ein internationaler Suchmaschinen Wettbewerb, bei dem es darum geht mit der Wortkombination: nigritude ultramarine bis Ende Juli bei der Google-Suche den Platz eins zu belegen. Es beteiligen sich hundertausende von Webmastern und Suchmaschinenoptimierern und die will ich nun auf PHPWCMS aufmerksam machen.

Ich beteilige mich an diesem Wettbewerb und befinde mich derzeit auf Platz 16 bei Google (Suchergebnisse Deutsch) mit einer im phpwcms System erstellten Seite. Um ganz nach vorne zu kommen benötige ich sehr viele Links von anderen Seiten mit dem Linktext: Nigritude Ultramarine

Hier meine dafür erstellte Seite: ... arine.html

Es wäre eine einzigartige Gelegenheit phpwcms bekannter zu machen und zu beweisen das phpwcms sehr gut für Suchmaschinen geeignet ist, ich denke wir könnten so einmal Danke an Oliver für dieses geniale CMS System und seine ganze Arbeit daran sagen und ordentlich Werbung dafür machen.

Ich bekomme täglich hunderte Besucher über diesen Suchbegriff, je weiter es nach vorne geht je mehr werden es.

Wer diese Aktion bzw. phpwcms unterstützen möchte und Oliver einfach mal danke sagen möchte, der binde bitte folgenden Linktext auf seiner Seite oder besser auf mehreren seiten ein:

Code: Select all

<a href="" title="nigritude ultramarine" target="_blank">Nigritude Ultramarine</a>
Es geht mir nicht um die Preise den es da zu gewinnen gibt, wenn ich gewinnen sollte bekommt Oliver als dankeschön von mir diesen Preis!

Gruß Mario
Last edited by Mario670 on Wed 7. Jul 2004, 01:27, edited 1 time in total.

Post by brans »

For those of you who are not familiar with the german language: I just try to express the idea of this post in english:
Many people say that phpwcms was not a search engine friendly program. I want to show up that phpwcms is very search engine friendly, that it is even the best cms to use with search engine usability!

There is running an international search engine contest where the aim is to get the highest ranking with the keyword: nigritude ultramarine till end of july. There are participating hundreds of thousands of webmasters and search engine experts and I want to bring phpwcms into their mind.

I am participating this contest and my page (created with phpwcms) is currently ranked number 16 (German Results). To get a higher ranking, I need a lot of links with the link Text: Nigritude Ultramarine

Here you can see my page that I created for this contest: ... arine.html

This would be a great possibility to make phpwcms more known and to show that phpwcms in fact IS very search engine friendly.

The ones who want to support this idea and say "thank you" to Oliver ( he will get my price, if I will win it! ) can implement the following code into their websites:

<a href=" ... arine.html" title="nigritude ultramarine" target="_blank">Nigritude Ultramarine</a>

I don't do this for the prices because I will give them to Oliver..! I just do this to say a big thank you! to OG for his great work!


Could anyone plz correct my english ? In fact it is very bad and I was in a hurry but I hope you understand what I mean ;) I just wanted to quickly give the english speaking people an idea of what mario is saying in the above post :)


Last edited by brans on Mon 31. May 2004, 14:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mario670 »

Danke brans !

Also ich finde das klingt gut, hab alles verstanden und denke das versteht auch jeder englischsprechende :)

NIGRITUDE ULTRAMARINE Der Beweis für phpwcms!
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Ergebniss vom 29.5 /Results 29.5

Post by Mario670 »

Nach nur 2 Tagen ist ... arine.html bereits bei den deutschen Suchergebnissen auf Platz 17 von 28.200 Seiten und bei den internationalen auf Platz 278 von 317.00 Seiten, dass ist nach so kurzer Zeit schon garnicht schlecht.
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Post by Mario670 »

Ergebnisse am 30.Mai:

Suchergebnisse Deutsch: Platz 5
International: Platz 176

Results at 30. May:

German Sites: Position 5
International sites: Position 176

Thank you for all Links!
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Post by Mario670 »

Suchergebnisse vom 31.5.04

Deutsch: Platz 1
International: Platz 59

Ich brauche noch mehr Links :wink:

Results at 31. May
German: Position 1
international: Position 59

I need more Links :wink:
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Post by frold »

what is this post about? Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
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Post by Mario670 »

about this:
Many people say that phpwcms was not a search engine friendly program. I want to show up that phpwcms is very search engine friendly, that it is even the best cms to use with search engine usability!

There is running an international search engine contest where the aim is to get the highest ranking with the keyword: nigritude ultramarine till end of july. There are participating hundreds of thousands of webmasters and search engine experts and I want to bring phpwcms into their mind.

I am participating this contest and my page (created with phpwcms) is currently ranked number 16 (German Results). To get a higher ranking, I need a lot of links with the link Text: Nigritude Ultramarine

Here you can see my page that I created for this contest: ... arine.html

This would be a great possibility to make phpwcms more known and to show that phpwcms in fact IS very search engine friendly.

The ones who want to support this idea and say "thank you" to Oliver ( he will get my price, if I will win it! ) can implement the following code into their websites:

<a href=" ... arine.html" title="nigritude ultramarine" target="_blank">Nigritude Ultramarine</a>

I don't do this for the prices because I will give them to Oliver..! I just do this to say a big thank you! to OG for his great work!
Only to say thank you to Oliver for his really great work!

Post by brans »

German results: Rank 1
All the web: Rank 59 => let's go mates! create some more links :) and overall create some doorway pages ;)
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Post by TortillaBoy »

I am making an attempt to make this more American-friendly English...
Many people say that phpwcms is not a search engine friendly program. I want to show them that phpwcms is very search engine friendly, and that it is even the most search engine friendly cms of all!

There is an international search engine contest being held until the end of July where the goal is to get the highest ranking with the keyword "nigritude ultramarine". There are hundreds of thousands of webmasters and search engine experts participating and I want to make them aware of phpwcms.

I am participating this contest and my page (created with phpwcms) is currently ranked number 16 (German Results). To get a higher ranking, I need a lot of links with the link Text: Nigritude Ultramarine

Here you can see my page that I created for this contest: ... arine.html

This would be a great chance to make phpwcms more known and to show that phpwcms in fact IS very search engine friendly.

The ones who want to support this idea and say "thank you" to Oliver ( he will get my prize, if I will win it! ) can implement the following code into their websites:

<a href=" ... arine.html" title="nigritude ultramarine" target="_blank">Nigritude Ultramarine</a>

I don't do this for the prizes because I will give them to Oliver! I just do this to say a big thank you! to OG for his great work!
Hope that helps. :shock:
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Post by Mario670 »

Thank you Tortillaboy :)

Ergebnisse am 2. Juni:

Suchergebnisse Deutsch: Platz 1
International: Platz 43

Results at 2. June:

German Sites: Position 1
International sites: Position 43

Post by brans »

ok one more month to go :) we need as many links as possible.
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Post by pSouper »

hi friends,
i just got this and thought it sounds cool. what EXACTLY am i to do?
paste the following code where?

Code: Select all

<a href="" title="nigritude ultramarine" target="_blank">Nigritude Ultramarine</a>
in my templates? anywhare else or is this enough?

Post by brans »

hmm you have to paste this code into any Webpage that is indexed by google... so the page ranking will go up... You got it ?

You go to google and type: nigritude ultramarine and you will find a hole load of sites displayed for your keyword. If you browse through these results you will finde the page that is mentioned above anywhere. If you set a link in your homepage google will think that you like this page and so the more people like this page, the more google likes this page... and it will be displayed on a higher rank (possibly first) in the list...

the competition is to make your own site being displayed first in the list...
thats what you reach through as many links as possible all over the internet :)

got it ? So just place a link into all your websites and soon we'll be the winners of this competition ;-)
( I don't really believe in that but hey! give it a try, I did so too! )
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Post by Mario670 »

Ergebnisse am 3. Juni:

Suchergebnisse Deutsch: Platz 1
International: Platz 27

Results at 3. June:

German Sites: Position 1
International sites: Position 27

Los kommt, dass schaffen wir.

Go go, we get it !!
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