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Can't create admin login in setup

Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 21:42
by lodel
Hello, I can't create an admin login during setup. I get this error:

Check your admin user name and password!

Not sure where to go from here.

Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 21:53
by Florian
Well, never had problems with this... Sure you've got right access to the mysql? any more errors during setup wich will be not shown because Error reporting is tuned off in the php.ini? If possible check php Log.
Sorry that we can't provide more support for now. Can you tell us, what you did exactly during setup?


Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 22:03
by lodel
seems to connect to mysql database fine. If I leave the "create admin account" button unchecked it moves on to the next step until completion. I just can't get it to work by creating the admin account. Therefore, login fails each time.

Who knows?

Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 22:03
by rudeboy
do you have access trough phpmyadmin or mysqlfront for example to your database? lookup table phpwcms_user at least there should be one record! usr_login could be admin and the usr_pass shouldn't be empty! guess there is a mysql PASSWORD() inside. should be similar to the password you set during setup ;) but looks cryptic...

if there is no entry. the easyest way to correct is to try resetup again. i recommend to check the environment before you do that. alternative you can execute this mysql query

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO phpwcms_user (usr_login, usr_pass, usr_email, usr_admin, usr_aktiv, usr_name ) VALUES ('admin', PASSWORD('test'), '', 1, 1, 'phpwcms webmaster');
this will create an account with the username admin and password test. important note if you have a table prefix you should extend the query by adding the prefix before the tablename.

hope this helps

Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 22:30
by lodel
i checked the database and no tables were created. at what point are tables created in the install script?


Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 22:34
by rudeboy
yes they are added by the setupscript. go to the directory setup and open the file "phpwcms_init.sql". execute this source on your database.

Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 23:21
by lodel
yeah, I ran the sql code and it gave me a permissions error. I had to delete and recreate the database for it to work properly.

Thanks for the help!

Posted: Fri 21. Nov 2003, 23:22
by rudeboy
you are welcome ;)

Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 00:45
by cmslover
I installed the new version and the batch today. Installation went fine with no error. Now login is the issue. After I login as a webmaster user I'm still at the login page, nothing change, there is no login error at all. So I checked mysql, phpwcms_user it shows admin password as a random number like this: 565491d704013245 although I set password as "admin" at the beginning set up step. I thought for some reasons phpWCMS didn't accept the password I chose earlier but generated a random password instead, so I tried to login again using the 565491d704013245 password , but now I got error "Wrong password or ID ". It has been a couple hours I've been uninstall, reinstall, ugrading batch, try to login but I'm still going nowhere. What is wrong? Please advise! Thanks much!

system: Linux 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002 i686
server: Apache/1.3.28 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.15 OpenSSL/0.9.6b FrontPage/ PHP/4.3.2 mod_throttle/3.1.2
php: v4.3.2

Edit: I just checked MySql again and in the bottom page it says:
The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated."

PMA Database ... not OK[ Documentation ]
General relation features Disabled

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] string
Starting with version 2.3.0 phpMyAdmin offers a lot of features to work with master / foreign - tables. To use those as well as the bookmark feature you need special tables with a predefined structure, which we explain below.
If you are the only user of this phpMyAdmin installation, you can use your current database to store those special tables; in this case, just put your current database name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'].

If you are setting up a multi-user phpMyAdmin installation, you will need to create a new database and setup special privileges, so, as superuser:

create a new database for phpMyAdmin:
Note that "controluser" must have SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE privileges on this database. Here is a query to set up those privileges (using "phpmyadmin" as the database name, and "pma" as the controluser):
GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON phpmyadmin.* to 'pma'@'localhost';
do not give any other user rights on this database.
enter the database name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] string
Since release 2.2.0 phpMyAdmin allows to bookmark queries. This can be useful for queries you often run.

To allow the usage of this functionality you have to:
set up "pmadb" as described above
within this database create a table following this scheme:
CREATE TABLE `PMA_bookmark` (
id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
dbase varchar(255) NOT NULL,
user varchar(255) NOT NULL,
label varchar(255) NOT NULL,
query text NOT NULL,
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Bookmarks';

enter the table name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable']

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] string
Since release 2.2.4 you can describe, in a special 'relation' table, which field is a key in another table (a foreign key). phpMyAdmin currently uses this to
make clickable, when you browse the master table, the data values that point to the foreign table;
display in an optional tool-tip the "display field" when browsing the master table, if you move the mouse to a column containing a foreign key (use also the 'table_info' table);
display links on the table properties page, to check referential integrity (display missing foreign keys) for each described key;
in query-by-example, create automatic joins (see an example in the FAQ, section "Using phpMyAdmin");
enable you to get a PDF schema of your database (also uses the table_coords table).

The keys can be numeric or character.

To allow the usage of this functionality the superuser has to:
set up "pmadb" as described above
within this database create a table following this scheme:
CREATE TABLE `PMA_relation` (
`master_db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`master_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`master_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`foreign_db` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`foreign_table` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
`foreign_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`master_db`, `master_table`, `master_field`),
KEY foreign_field (foreign_db, foreign_table)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Relation table';

put the relation table name in $cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation']
now as normal user open phpMyAdmin and for each one of your tables where you want to use this feature, click "Structure/Relation view/" and choose foreign fields.

Please note that in the current (2.3.0) version, master_db must be the same as foreign_db. Those fields have been put in future development of the cross-db relations.

I'm kind of new to mysql so I don't quite understand exactly what to do. Appreciate your help. Thanks

Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 01:44
by DeXXus
cmslover wrote:I installed the new version and the batch today. Installation went fine with no error. Now login is the issue. After I login as a webmaster user I'm still at the login page, nothing change, there is no login error at all. So I checked mysql, phpwcms_user it shows admin password as a random number like this: 565491d704013245 although I set password as "admin" at the beginning set up step. I thought for some reasons phpWCMS didn't accept the password I chose earlier but generated a random password instead, so I tried to login again using the 565491d704013245 password , but now I got error "Wrong password or ID ". It has been a couple hours I've been uninstall, reinstall, ugrading batch, try to login but I'm still going nowhere. What is wrong? Please advise! Thanks much!

system: Linux 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002 i686
server: Apache/1.3.28 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.15 OpenSSL/0.9.6b FrontPage/ PHP/4.3.2 mod_throttle/3.1.2
php: v4.3.2
Passwords are now MD5 "encrypted" and that is why you are seeing those "unique" encoded passwords. The password that you specify during setup should be used.

Are you running a firewall? Your login problems could be related to that, BUT usually it is path-related. Maybe if you post the contents of "" (minus password info).
cmslover wrote:Edit: I just checked MySql again and in the bottom page it says:
The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated."
I "believe" you can effectively "ignore" this... they are not =required= for phpWCMS use... they are =additional= features :wink:

Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 04:39
by cmslover
Are you running a firewall? Your login problems could be related to that, BUT usually it is path-related. Maybe if you post the contents of "" (minus password info).


I have ZoneAlarm but I turned off so firewall is not the problem, I think.
Here is the , can you see what's wrong? Thanks.

Code: Select all


// database values
$phpwcms["db_host"]           = "removed";
$phpwcms["db_user"]           = "removed";
$phpwcms["db_pass"]           = "removed";
$phpwcms["db_table"]          = "removed";
$phpwcms["db_prepend"]        = "";
$phpwcms["db_pers"]           = 1;

// site values
$phpwcms["site"]              = "http://www.domain/test/";
$phpwcms["admin_email"]       = "";

// paths
$phpwcms["root"]         		= "test";         //default: ""
$phpwcms["file_path"]         = "phpwcms_filestorage";    //default: "phpwcms_filestorage"
$phpwcms["file_tmp"]          = "phpwcms_tmp";     //default: "phpwcms_tmp"
$phpwcms["templates"]         = "phpwcms_template";    //default: "phpwcms_template"
$phpwcms["dir_thlist"]        = "thumb_list";   //default: "thumb_list"
$phpwcms["dir_preview"]       = "thumb_preview";  //default: "thumb_preview"
$phpwcms["content_path"]      = "content"; //default: "content"
$phpwcms["cimage_path"]       = "images";  //default: "images"
$phpwcms["ftp_path"]          = "phpwcms_ftp";     //default: "phpwcms_ftp"

// content values
$phpwcms["file_maxsize"]      = 2097152; //Bytes (50 x 1024 x 1024)
$phpwcms["content_width"]     = 538; //max width of the article content column - important for rendering multi column images
$phpwcms["img_list_width"]    = 100; //max with of the list thumbnail image
$phpwcms["img_list_height"]   = 75; //max height of the list thumbnail image
$phpwcms["img_prev_width"]    = 538; //max width of the large preview image
$phpwcms["img_prev_height"]   = 400; //max height of the large preview image
$phpwcms["max_time"]          = 1800; //logout after max_time/60 seconds

// other stuff
$phpwcms["compress_page"]     = 1; //if 1 = page compression, 0 = no compression

// debugging timer
$phpwcms["timer"]             = 0; //is for displaying a how long it needs to create

$phpwcms["imagick"]           = 0; //0 = GD,  1 = ImageMagick convert
$phpwcms["imagick_path"]      = ""; //Path to ImageMagick (default="" - none)
$phpwcms["use_gd2"]           = 1; //0 = GD1, 1 = GD2
$phpwcms["rewrite_url"]       = 0;  //whether URL should be rewritable
$phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"]    = 3;  //0 = no wysiwyg editor, 1 = HTMLarea, 2 = FCKeditor, 3 = browser based
$phpwcms["phpmyadmin"]        = 1;  //enable/disable phpMyAdmin in Backend
$phpwcms["default_lang"]      = "en";  //default language
$phpwcms["charset"]           = "iso-8859-1";  //default charset 'iso-8859-1'

// dynamic ssl encryption engine
$phpwcms["site_ssl_mode"]     = '0'; // tuns the SSL Support of WCMS on(1) or off (0) DEFAULT '0'
$phpwcms["site_ssl_url"]      = '';  //URL assigned to the SSL Certificate. DON'T add a slash at the End! Exp. "https://www.yourdomainhere.tld"
$phpwcms["site_ssl_port"]     = '443'; //The Port on which you SSL Service serve the secure Sites. Servers DEFAULT is '443'


Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 04:48
by DeXXus

Code: Select all

// site values 
$phpwcms["site"]              = "http://www.domain/test/";
// paths 
$phpwcms["root"]               = "test";         //default: "" 
This would require that you installed phpwcms into this place:

Code: Select all

More likely you have installed it here:

Code: Select all

If so... then these should be the settings:

Code: Select all

// site values 
$phpwcms["site"]              = "http://www.domain/";
// paths 
$phpwcms["root"]               = "test";         //default: "" 

Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 05:08
by cmslover
// site values
$phpwcms["site"] = "http://www.domain/";
// paths
$phpwcms["root"] = "test"; //default: ""

Yes, changed path as above , log in no error but the page won't change it's still the same page. This really drives me crazy :cry:

Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 10:25
by pSouper
adding this line to your

Code: Select all

define ("PHPWCMS_ROOT", "PHYSICAL DRIVE PATH TO ROOT DIR".(($phpwcms["root"]) ? "/".$phpwcms["root"] : "") );   // DOCUMENT_ROOT + phpwcms directory

Posted: Thu 19. Feb 2004, 15:12
by cmslover
pSouper wrote:adding this line to your

Code: Select all

define ("PHPWCMS_ROOT", "PHYSICAL DRIVE PATH TO ROOT DIR".(($phpwcms["root"]) ? "/".$phpwcms["root"] : "") );   // DOCUMENT_ROOT + phpwcms directory

Did it but nothing has changed I'm still at the login page :cry:
Anybody has the same problem like me? This is the first time I have a login problem with a cms. Very odd. I don't want to give up but :x